Thursday, April 28, 2011

Clemson English 103 Summer I

Hi Students,

You will need to begin, the first day of the course, considering what you are interested in doing for your group Multi-Modal assignment. The assignment directions are on your syllabus, and this blog is where you find at least one or two more group members who might be interested in this subject matter.

Sample student blogs from my ENG 103 Spring 2011 semester are at the following addresses:!anorexia

Your project will be completely different in terms of web format and topic. You will, as a group, need to decide which 3 media types you will use (for example, each project must have 3 forms of media, so website, pictures, films, interviews, and such all count). If you do a website, then each group member can work on their own page. Simple tutorials are available at or or on It is a bit of a learning curve if you've never made one of these simple websites, but easy enough once you get the hang of it. You can also make a Prezi ( or a film, but no PowerPoints (NO POWERPOINTS).

Once you decide your topic and the group members on this page, then you will go back to Blackboard and sign up for a group (under "Group"). See directions under Announcements page as well as here:

With CCIT's help, I have put together a self-enrollment page for your group projects. You will first go on the Blog, discuss general ideas for your group project, decide which 3 (max, though 2 is fine) of you will go in a group together, and then come back to Blackboard and enter it as follows:
Click on "Group" link
Click on "Create Group" (it might say "Create Forum")
Name the Group - the 1st person to enter for the group does the naming, though you might want to agree on a title
Once you have a group title, each subsequent member of the group will go into the "Group" link, check for that title, and click on it
Now you have your own Wiki's and Group Discussion Board for just your group members. One person needs to immediately set up the Thread title, and each group member will go in to comment. It is now up to you how you pace yourself to the deadline of Friday, June 17th by 11:30 (note time change) PM EST.